
prodpoint internship

  • Completed a three month internship at Prodpoint, the UK’s largest FDM 3D printing factory.

  • Was offered a permanent position of partner at the company and a 10% stake in the business at the end of the internship.

  • Worked on 3D printer maintenance, running the factory, designing methods to improve efficiency, graphic design, CAD and business strategy.






3D printing

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 I started working for Prodpoint freelance at the end of the summer term 2019. My initial brief was mainly around using my graphic design skills and knowledge of FDM 3D printing to write a series of articles for the company website. After I had started working full time at the factory, my responsibilities expanded to cover a large range of tasks; from designing and preparing client’s parts for 3D printing to devising methods to help the factory run more efficiently and even playing a key role in discussions about the companies business strategies. After finishing the set internship, I was offered the position of partner at the company and a 10% stake in the business. Unfortunately, as this would have required me to defer my university education, I had to decline.